The basics: How to add a page number in Word This page-numbering solution works in the browser, but the browser doesn’t display header/footer text, so previewing is necessary. For your convenience, you can download the demonstration. I’m using Microsoft 365 on a Windows 10 64-bit system, but you can use earlier versions. SEE: 60 Excel tips every user should master (TechRepublic) In this article, we step beyond the basics and consider a common but easily solved problem: The disappearing page number. However, that’s not practical, is it? It seems like you always need something to be just a little different, and for better or worse, Word’s page-numbering feature can be a bit confusing. How to reset your Windows 10 password when you forget itĪdding page numbers to a document is a frequent task and easy, as long as you don’t need anything beyond the basics. Image: iStock/champlifezy Must-read Windows coverageĭefend your network with Microsoft outside-in security services If you turn off page numbering for the first page of a Word document and then add a new section to page 2, the page number on page 2 disappears! Here's how to get it back. How to avoid a disappearing page number in Microsoft Word